Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Champion of Breakfast

Well being a car-less student here at Hofstra, I'm on campus 99% of the time. And because of the wonderful non-refundable mean plan, I always eat on campus. The food here is not bad and I don't mind it. Especially breakfast. You can get anything...seriously if you're what I like to call a "Olsen", meaning all you order is egg whites with diet Snapple ice's just a swipe of your ID card away. Well there's one breakfast food that reigns supreme of all and I just discovered it's deliciousness about a week ago. They are the simple yet satisfying french toast Sticks.

Now to explain why these are the greatest breakfast food that I've experienced. First of all, anything cinnamon is the shit. Now these sticks are thick pieces of french toast. But wouldn't that would just be normal french toast cut up because you are incapable of using a knife? No sir...these sticks are deep fried. Now that may sound disgusting, but if you eat fries from McDonald's or any kind of doughnut from Dunkin...same thing. Imagine having a hot, french toast flavored doughnut that comes with maple syrup and butter to dip them in. Holy sweetness Batman! Now I know people would's unhealthy blah blah blah blah blah...I'm in college. I don't eat crap all the time and I don't drink so I damn well can have my french toast sticks if I damn well please.

Other students love them too. Regular french toast is offered but I can hear the pieces of bread crying "nobody loves me" and "I wish I were as delicious as my neighbor in the tray over...but I'm plain and boring. I'm Lindsay Lohan before she slutified herself in Mean Girls; aka a worthless soul." While the french toast sticks are happily shouting "Suck it french toast...I'm better than you so kiss my crispy cinnamon ass! People love me more than Britney loves Starbucks!"

Sadly I woke up too late to enjoy these little bundles of joy today, but tomorrow is a new day and you bet your candy ass it will be a delicious one.

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